Stevie works while Mikey and the Luv-ly Anna
Luvalopolis observe Markey strutting his stuff for the Meet The Babes
Page. Markey invited his good friends Harry Connick, Jr. and John
Tesh to help out that night. The guys put together an outfit that
really conveys the man, the image, the personna that is Markey Luv.
Be sure to check him out, ladies.
Mikey finds the perfect shirt for the cover of the album that started the disco craze: Shake Your Boot E. What can I say? Mikey's threads swing the most. Mikey's personal valet, Giacomo Armani (no relation), designed this particular piece in 1972, two years before the release of the album. The fabric is the finest stock from Mikey's own silkworm ranch in North Tuscany. | |
Read 'em and weep, folks. Stevie and Mikey get
busy with the Bud E. Luv Big Band's main Luv Kittens, Anna Luvalopolis
and Kim Karnaval (accent on the last syllable). What more can you
say about these too luv-ly's? They got it, you want it, and that's about
the size of it.
Mikey relaxes while the luv-ly Anna (see reflection
in window behind Mikey) prepares her debut appearance on the Meet The
Babes Page in the new Cyber Luv Lounge. Anna's rare blend of charisma,
talent, and drop dead good looks makes her a headline act.
Mikey, Markey, and Bud E. take a break in the
studio after a grueling three hours of shooting. Stevie's bachelor pad,
located just off the Las Vegas Strip (behind the old Sands Hotel), swings
the most for a photo shoot or copywriting sesh. Bud E. always brings Max,
his personal bartender to all production dates at Stevie's. Max's martinis
keep the band going into the late late hours. He never bruises the gin,
his vodka is always perfectly iced.
Truly the swingin'-est cat in Las Vegas, Dexter
Luv (no relation) chills with the Budster during a photo shoot. In
the off-season, Dexter serves as a consultant to Siegfried and Roy. He's
loves what they're trying to do with those cats.
The boys hard at work for the Shake Your Boot
E. album cover. We did 172 takes of that cover that night. It was
a comedy of errors. Markey's fly kept popping open. Bud E. got ahold of
a bad batch of hair gel and we had to work overtime to achieve desired
loft. Poor Mikey choked on an olive in his 5th and 7th martini. Bud E.
and Anna jumped up and down on Mikey's back and got him breathing again
both times. It was a close call and we switched Mikey over to Odwalla
Apple Juice for the rest of the night.
Steve Casner. Webmaster to the Stars
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