Willsky wdumbleton at stmichaels.vic.edu.au Hey this is a preety sweet site but the chicks are a bit hard to get to. Tell me how to go to another screen where you can score with them. Cheer player! Signed on: 2002-03-17 04:22:00 DJ Fayte djfayte at jps.net Luv the site you hep cat! Signed on: Monday, April 3rd at 12: Signed on: 2003-03-17 04:22:00 Tim E Luv TheWRockF at Aol.Com hi mr luv i just wanna say your a swiga Signed on: Sunday, April 9th at 11: Signed on: 2003-03-17 04:22:00 Tawnia Sullivan timtawnia at earthlink.net Hello Bud E. Luv, I would like to know how to get tickets to the Mark Hopkins Hotel Shows in May? Thank you very much. Tawnia Signed on: 2002-04-15 12:56:00 Michael Alexakis kissamabooty at rear.ent We would love to see you cats at the Top Of The Mark, but last time we were there they gave us a bottle of screw-top wine. Signed on: 2002-04-17 07:35:00 sassy Hello budster! hey nice web page and you seem to really have a real funny sence of humor and a overwelming self confidence ..thats all good ..you have been fortunate to beb so young and have so much support!..i have been tryn all my life to be a big star and hey im still on my own Signed on: Sunday, May 7th at 9:25 Signed on: 2003-04-17 07:35:00 benz benzman at oyeah.net Signed on: 2002-05-25 12:34:00 hank Budster, your the ginchiest!!!! When I was a kid all my friends wanted to be hendrix. I wanted to front a combo at the holiday inn!!! I can hear it now, foxy lady, Bud E. Luv style!! Yeah, they thought I was nuts then, too. Sing on brother!!! Signed on: Thursday, June 1st at 3: Signed on: 2003-05-25 12:34:00 L. Eggiman TLEGGIMAN Write back Love to hear from you Signed on: 2002-06-11 06:27:00 Karen Aaronson karen.aaronson at ascend.com Hi Bud E, I am a long time fan, since I first saw you in 1990 at the Burlingame Marriot. I was introduced to your act by Chris Trembly. Although I have no idea what happened to Chris, I have continued to follow your success, and have turned most of my friends on to you over Signed on: Wednesday, July 5th at 6:37 Signed on: 2003-06-11 06:27:00 When is mousse tax deductible? Signed on: Thursday, July 6th at 2: Signed on: 2003-06-11 06:27:00 Kerry Signed on: Wednesday, August 2nd at 8: Signed on: 2003-06-11 06:27:00 leroy evans Signed on: Thursday, August 3rd at 5: Signed on: 2003-06-11 06:27:00 Dan Westervelt danwest at jps.net Thanks for keeping the strip alive Signed on: Sunday, August 6th at 7: Signed on: 2003-06-11 06:27:00 LARRY B RAGG Signed on: 2002-10-18 11:18:00 Tom Budster, I am new to the Vegas scene, how can I become the man like you? Signed on: 2002-10-27 07:18:00 michelle Signed on: 2003-10-27 07:18:00 Carla Cool site. Keep it up. Signed on: 2002-10-27 08:58:00 Charlotte Wagner Bud E. we love you! Come play in the Napa Valley again! Signed on: 2002-11-16 11:48:00 rubber dog smagdanz at aol.com budster, are thinking of groovin on out here for our 30th reunion?? want to help organizize it???? do a show???? do you know any email addresses for me??? sad news from alaska, Amy Squibb died of cancer oct. 30th WRITE ME BACK and come on out love you, rubber dog Signed on: 2002-11-17 02:38:00